20 things you probably never knew about me (and probably don't need to know):
1. I didn't speak a word of English until I went to school. Now I am disappointed in how little Italian I know.
2. Bad grammar and spelling really ticks me off. And yes, if I have it wrong I do want to know about it - correct me!
3. I dry reach at the smell of sambucca, because once in my younger day I drank way too much of the stuff.
4. I have this fear that my long term memory is permanently damaged because I started drinking at an age well below the legal age.
5. I have a chipped front tooth.
6. I am long-sighted in the left eye and short-sighted in the right. They balance each other out so I don't need glasses. I suspect this is my own fault because I used to read with one eye closed under the bed covers as a teenager.
7. I once dreamt that I married Bob Hawke and recently dreamt that I went out to dinner with Kevin Rudd. I've had dreams about wars like Iraq air bombing Australia. And dreams that I was a man driving down a road in Antigua. My weird dreams are really really weird.
8. I have a fear that I will never have children, but I don't even know (at my age) if I even want them. Maybe the fear is that I will never have the choice.
9. I have three sisters-in-law. They all share the same birthday. Do you know what the odds of that are?
10. The house I live in is house number 3 that settled on the 30th November on my 30th Birthday. There are also three 3s in my home phone number.
11. I once had a collie dog named Lester. Neil Finn wrote a song about his dog called Lester.
12. I hate the movie Forest Gump.
13. I've met Ben Harper. I never felt so privileged.
14. I really wish I could play guitar.
15. I don't like scary movies, I don't like disney movies and I don't like sci-fi or fantasy movies. I am over action movies for the sake of action movies. At the end of the day, I just like a good drama.
16. I don't read sci-fiction books or romance books.
17. Besides learning how to read and write, I now think that one of the best skills I learnt at school was typing.
18. I don't like dish washers and I don't want one in my house.
19. I really hate it when people assume that because I'm single and have no children that I have plenty of time on my hands and that I lead a quiet life. Yes I have the privilege of not needing to compromise, I can do what I want, when I want and how I want. Doesn't mean I'm not busy and struggle to fit everything that I want to do in a day, week or month just like anyone else. Actually, if I achieve a lot, it's just because I'm pretty good at getting shit done. And if I had kids, I would still be good at getting shit done, because that's what I do.
20. And finally a work foible... if you want me to do something, I need to understand why, because if it doesn't make sense to me then you are obviously wasting my time. So I will incessantly ask you 'why' until I get an acceptable answer (even if the answer is "it will just be easier if you do it"). I know I am annoying when I do this.