02 April 2008

Things I hate about Canberra

Well I am finally resigned to the fact that from next Monday I will once again be living in Canberra (for 3 months). I have accepted a position there as I feel the time is nigh to be working, and I haven't managed to find suitable employment in Adelaide.

When I was living in Canberra last time, I composed a list of things I hate (and like) about Canberra. It seems appropriate to review that list before I head East once again. Is it my destiny to end up in Canberra permanently?

Things I hate about Canberra (in no particular order):

- Road/street signs - suburbs are introduced 500 meters out, but the street sign is provided two meters before you need to turn.
- Shops - you can't find everything you need in one store. You have to go to a minimum of 5 shops before your grocery shopping is done.
- The cold.
- Ice on the car in winter.
- Your next suburb is kilometers away.
- No corner shops/delis.
- Tuggeranong.
- The Hyperdome.
- Houses in individual suburbs all look the same (e.g. mission brown in Kambah).
- Where is the really good fresh fruit and vegies?
- Cost of Real Estate.
- Circles i.e. suburbs; roundabouts.
- Have to turn left in order to go right (directly related to circles).
- No beach.
- Fake lakes.
- Fog in winter - can't fly out of the place, then flights for the rest of the day are late.
- Can't get a coffee in a cafe after 11.00pm at night.
- Canberra drivers.
- Yellow fire trucks - one question - WHY?
- The time it takes to get an appointment to see a doctor, dentist etc.
- The seafood is pretty crap.
- No restaurants where you can get really decent cheap food. It's either expensive and good or cheap and nasty.
- A massive population of over qualified people doing the work of clerks.
- The cultural events are almost non-existent.
- Things are expensive purely because locals will pay the higher price.
- People think that Kingston and Manuka are great. Whoopie.
- People complaining about peak hour traffic. Go live in a real city moron.
- Pavements are crooked everywhere - not flat.
- The balloon festival for the last two years has been tragic - this year there was no water in the reflection pool and last year a fence around it.

Ok, now for the things I actually do like about Canberra:

- The roads/infrastructure.
- Heating in public places in winter (it needs to be good otherwise no-one would go out).
- Peak hour traffic.
- Proximity to Sydney.
- The road to Sydney.
- The colour of the leaves in Autumn .... pretty.
- Found an awesome physio.
- The people are friendly and welcoming.
- Lots of intelligent people.
- Some of the local shops have pleasant and unexpected surprises.
- The cheap drinks at clubs.
- There does seem to be a diverse range of cultures represented in Canberra.
- Pearce Vietnamese - good and cheap (this one actually defies one of my hates above).
- Blue Poles - Jackson Pollock.
- Pepe's Paperie.
- The level of tolerance towards gay and lesbians appears to be higher than anywhere else (I think this is directly related to the higher number of intelligent people).
- Floriade.
- The Italian marble in Parliament house.

* Please note that this list has had input from other people who dislike Canberra.
* More importantly, this is not intended to offend any Canberran. It's the place I hate NOT the people, and this list merely aids my therapy.
* Please comment, I am happy to update either list with your additions.


Woodfired! said...

Well obviously you haven't spent enough time in the balmy North of Canberra Nina!
- far warmer than the wind-swept wastelands of the South
- local shops if you're game
- farmer's market
- no Hyperdome (though we do have a local variant)
- poor suburbs (=cheaper real estate)
- very few roundabouts (can't afford them)
- our own fake lake
- our fire trucks are red !????
- a new traffic interchange that you can justifiably complain about
- residents think that Kingston and Manuka are mythical far-away places
- every home has a coffee machine worth more than the car (and in some cases the home!)
- and I think it's fair to say that you're spoilt for culture in Adelaide - you just have to seek it out in other places

Glad to have you back here for a little while.

-An offended Canberran

Unknown said...

Compare Canberra airfare deals with http://www.robinflights.co.uk/Australia/Canberra-CBR.aspx.