But when I just need simplicity, and when I just need something fast, I turn to one of my mum's dishes that I think she has cooked intermittently throughout my living life - pasta con ricotta. Don't make me translate that for you, it's completely obvious.
Here is the recipe, but sorry, there is no way I could give you any measurements, you just need to work that out for yourself. Depending on how many people you're cooking for. You will need:
Salt to taste, and
Pepper to taste if you're a skip! Actually even I put pepper on this dish sometimes, it works exceptionally well.
Anyway, cook the spaghetti (add salt), but while the spaghetti is cooking, place the ricotta in a bowl and add a generous dollop or two of margarine. Grab a ladle and from the saucepan (yes the saucepan with the pasta cooking), take some of the (already salted) water and add to the ricotta and margarine. Mash together with a fork. I suppose the consistency you're after is one that is light and fluffy and has a 'thick pouring' consistency.
When the pasta is cooked, strain, return the pasta to the saucepan, then just add the ricotta to the pasta. Stir it through with a fork, and serve.
Now, my mum now only buys the non-fat ricotta, but recently I have started to purchase the full fat ricotta again. I do think it has more flavour, but if you're watching your diet or cholesterol, then the low-fat cheese is just as good. However, make certain the ricotta is fresh - ask the shop assistant what days the ricotta comes in, so you know when to purchase it.

There is another version of this dish that I found in a newspaper once (actually I think Aldo may have found it). It has grated zucchini, chilli, garlic and lemon from memory, but I'll have to post that one another day.
1 comment:
Love to try this. I guess if pepper is questionable then smothering with pecorino romano and crispy pancetta is right out of the question!
Handy that you can tell how wog or skip you are feeling on a particular day by how much pepper you use.
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