14 June 2008

Farewell to the C'linkers

I was just cleaning up my email account when I came a cross the email I sent out to a whole stack of colleagues on the day I left Centrelink. My blog seems like a more appropriate place to store it.

Oh, and reading back on it, I wouldn't change a word.

Hi everyone,

Most of you won't know this, but after 19.5 years I am leaving Centrelink today. It has come time to call it a day and see what awaits me in the private sector.

I have a lot to be thankful to Centrelink for. But for the most part I look back and remember the people I have worked with, the laughs we've had, the friends I've made and the mentors who have guided me and helped shaped me into the person I am today.

I was recently asked on a training course to think about people who have been my mentors in my career; people that I admire for whatever reason; people that I want to be like. Some people can only name one. I have been fortunate enough to come up with 3 names of people who really have shaped my career, and to whom I owe the most gratitude. They are:

* Ros R
* Fiona M
* Paul B

To all of you, Thank You!

But there are some other people that I have worked with as colleagues who have also really left an impression on me, and whom I will think about when I'm in future jobs, because of their intelligence, integrity and the way they behave at work. Actually they all think before they speak and act too, and I really should do way more of that (I do try). They are:

* Phillip P
* Richard H
* James D

It is because of all the people named above that I now have the confidence to leave the public service with the knowledge that I can do well out there.....

To all the people I have supervised over the years. I apologise for any of my crap you had to put up with! Believe me, I know my faults! To you, I say thank you so much, because you are the ones that worked so hard for me and delivered for me. I can only hope that occasionally you were able to learn from me too as I looked on in awe of so many of you as you just continued to impress me.

From the Port Augusta office, to Adelaide Call, SSG, UA (and Payment Cycles), CEPS, Edge and finally Refresh 7.1. I feel truly blessed to have had such a career and to have learnt so much and have had so many amazing colleagues. What a lucky girl I have been to have worked with you all.

Lastly, to all the wonderful friends I have made, people who welcomed me into their homes and all the good times we've had both at work or out at play. You know who you are and you know I think the world of you.

This is weird ! ! !

But at least the place will be a lot quieter now.......


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