09 May 2008

Is P really a blonde?

P: Nina, when you went to Vietnam did you take traveller's cheques?

Me: No, I rarely bother with traveller's cheques anymore.

P: What do you take?

Me: Credit Card

P: Oh

Me: Yeah, and use the ATM

P: What, and then exchange the Australian dollars into Dong?

P really is an intelligent person... really.


P said...

P would like to add the following to the li'l excerpt that the author has up on her blog.

1. The conversation didn't quite end there. P had to tell N the rest of the story which went something like this.

P: So I should have no problems using my keycard.

'Reputable Bank' rep: that's correct, you can use your keycard in Vietnam and you'll be able to get Australian Dollars.

P (getting quite confused): Huh? And then I have to exchange the Australian dollars for Dong??

'Reputable Bank' rep: Yes, yes.

P (still confused): Right.

2. Not to water down the hilarity of that conversation or the entry on this blog, but that what's poor sleep can do to you.

3. Two minutes before this blog entry.

N: HAHAHA! Oh this is so going onto my blog.

P: Well, you can't put my name on the blog!

N: OK, I won't do that.

P: Ta.

True to her word, N decides that she will keep the identity of this person anonymous and decides to just call her 'P'. No one will EVER be able to guess.

Woodfired! said...

Ah. Domestic harmony.

P, brave attempt to represent Nina's evil foghorn laugh. I could hear it. But for the uninitiated (people whose hearing still works) you would need to use a font size several times larger - and with little lines radiating outwards from them.