27 August 2008

Gordon Ramsey and scrambled eggs

I haven't been doing much baking or cooking lately so I thought I would find some cooking on YouTube to show you instead. I found Gordon Ramsey making simple scrambled eggs. I thought I had personally started to master scrambled eggs, but I'm now going to have to try it the way the Three Star Michelin man makes them. God what I would give to try this man's cooking.

For a great interview with Gordon, go to YouTube and search for Gordon being interviewed by Michael Parkinson. I saw this and just loved him even more. Sorry, I couldn't embed the video as it wasn't permitted.

1 comment:

Woodfired! said...

Good one Nina! We've been having lots of scrambled eggs lately as the chooks have started laying again after the Canberra winter (which you may recall is quite cold). Not too dissimilar to my method though I will now try seasoning at the end to see the difference.

I too would love to try his cooking. (If I win Powerball this Thursday I promise to take you with me.)