13 August 2008

KitchenAid mixer

Well I have just gone and spent a ludicrous amount of money on a kitchen appliance. I have finally caved in and ordered a KitchenAid Stand mixer.

Isn't it beautiful?

Despite the cost, I can easily justify spending the money on something that I know I will get great use of and love using every single time (besides I haven't caved in and bought an iPhone). I even rang Carol and she said she just LOVES hers, and that was all the confirmation I needed to go ahead and order.

I also shopped around and ended up ordering over the net at: http://www.kitchenwaredirect.com.au/ who were cheaper than anywhere else (incl. shipping).

Now I just have to wait patiently until I get it...

1 comment:

Woodfired! said...

Great colour! Much better value than an iPhone (then again so is a dead cockroach).
I'm sure it'll have a worthwhile life.