For a few years, me and three of my friends have been organising and going on "photo road trips". The impetus behind these trips is to take photographs as we all have an interest in the art. We pick a location full of photographic opportunity, get away, have a great time together (i.e. drink too much) and take photos.
We were well overdue for another PRT (the last one being at Kangaroo Island in Nov of last year), when we finally got off our butts and organised one to Melbourne for the weekend just gone.
Being the friends that we are, we all dump shit on each other at every possible opportunity, so you can imagine the jokes we flew at S for having left his bag at the airport. That was pretty much the stupidest thing that had happened all weekend...until sometime on Saturday, I realised that I hadn't changed the white balance on my camera (that had been set at tungsten) after having taken a hundred photos of the Melbourne skyline from the apartment balcony on Friday. A few hours after that (and after having taken another few hundred shots at the Melbourne xmas pageant), I realised that I had my camera on the full manual setting (nothing unusual about that), but that I had only been adjusting the light metering and not the f-stop. In terms of stupidity, that's up there with leaving your bag at the airport!
So, whilst I had a great time in Melbourne, the majority of my photos are fucked. I was therefore arrested and here is the proof:

My camera, all my lenses and other photographic equipment have all been confiscated and given to this guy because he probably has half a brain:

I am comforted by the fact that I got to have one last coffee at this place:

Before being put behind bars until I have read and re-read every photography book in my library:

Nice story. Hope you and S had enough to drink to ameliorate your embarassment. I'm sure you did.
I guess you've taken a few lessons from your mistakes but just in case here's my preaching bit.
ALWAYS shoot in raw mode. Not only do you retain all flexibility to choose the correct colour temperature but the extra dynamic range of exposure means you have greater scope to correct for lighting mistakes. (Lots more benefits too.)
Learn Lightroom (or Aperture) and USE IT. You can process your raw mode images for colour, exposure, sharpening, etc very quickly and often save disappointing images.
At least your mistakes are correctable. Nothing you can do about forgetting where your bags are!
Oh fine! Gang up on me why don't you! Nina!!! Unbelievable. Funny. But unbelieveable.
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