I used the Kitchen Aid (of course), which made light work of it, and made the whole process a lot quicker. I also nearly stuffed it up by adding too much water too soon, but quickly just added more flour. I think the dough did end up being too soft, so I will take things slower next time.
There are hundreds of different recipes for pasta, but mum uses one egg for every kilo of flour. And besides flour and egg, you only need tepid water and salt.
I obviously didn't want to make a kilo's flour worth of pasta, so I measured out about 5 'handfulls' of flour (I used 00, but plain flour is fine), and used one egg to this amount of flour. At a guess, this made me about 4 servings.
Most recipes you will see have at least 3 eggs. The more eggs you use, the heavier the pasta will be. And you can even make pasta without any egg at all.

Interesting again. I've only ever made pasta with whole eggs - no water. I got the recipe (if you can call it that) from a friend back in the late seventies who in turn learnt it from his Jewish mother. It's always worked for me so I have never experimented with it - not intentionally anyway :-).
I use about 200g of a durum wheat flour or hard continental flour, a little salt and 2-3 eggs depending on size. As the flour always varies in the moisture it will absorb I keep some flour back and add it only if required. I've never found the pasta heavy. This amount does for 2 servings with a little left over for seconds.
You've prompted me to try a few experiments though. I will of course blame you if they don't work out :-).
So how much is one of your 'handfuls'?
Not adding water shouldn't be a problem if it doesn't need it - in fact the 'harder' the dough the easier the pasta machine will handle it (well that's what mum tells me).
Whether the pasta is heavy or not is probably a matter for my mother to decide! Having just had some of the fettucini tonight I do think it could do with another egg.
As for the size of my handfuls...well lets just say for this particular post I think I ended up using about 600gms of flour
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