4 tbsp plain flour
4 tbsp white sugar
600 mls milk
3 egg yolks
In a bowl mix together the flour, sugar, eggs and some of the milk, stirring until there are no lumps in the mixture. Gradually add the rest of the milk, stirring the whole time.
Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and stir over a high heat initially, but reduce it to low when the mixture starts to bubble.
Tip - wash a lemon and cut off one end, pierce a fork through the other end and stir the mixture with the lemon for the essence.

When the mixture starts to get quite thick, take it off the heat.
If you just want vanilla custard then you can add some vanilla essence to the mixture.
For chocolate custard, put 3-4 tbsp of cocoa in a bowl and add a few scoops of the custard. Have the bowl in the sink with some cold water. Stir the mixture then gradually add the rest of the custard.
I made this custard to make cream puffs (which I bought, but can make if I have the time) to take to my niece's birthday party. I made both chocolate and vanilla, and filled the profiteroles with half vanilla and half chocolate custard. Sprinkle with icing sugar.

NB. If you need a larger portion you add more eggs and more milk only (i.e. with 6 eggs you would need 1 litre of milk).
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